About me

I’m Charlotte Raven. I’m a (resting) journalist and editor in chief of soon to be relaunched Feminist Times. I can write but I can’t read books any more… I have a degenerative genetic disorder that no one has heard of. Woody Guthrie had Huntington’s disease but no other celebrities or personalities. Dementia is always in the news and my HD support group will be pleased to see this blog which will hopefully raise awareness of the condition.  I’ve been symptomatic for the past 8 years and some of my symptoms are managed by medication.

There is no cure for HD and nothing to slow its progress. My life has been circumscribed by my illness and I’m at home most of the time. This blog is the view from my window. I live in Kentish Town in London with my husband, two young children and Archie, a vicious (or playful?) maine coon. I hate having my picture taken and there are no smiley head shots on the blog. I’ve always written about myself but I’m worried about the drift towards a confessional. I hope I resist the temptation to reveal intimate details in this public form.

If you have something to say about HD then please get in touch!